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I. Introduction to parapsychology


Extrasensory perception and psychokinesis

What exactly is parapsychology? Parapsychology or psychotronics is a science that focuses on the existence of and research into hidden phenomena that surpass the familiar five human sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.

Various psychic phenomena that transcend the boundaries of everyday experience and the laws of nature in general have been recorded by people since the Middle Ages. In today’s modern world, however, this science is differentiated into two psychic phenomena, namely extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK).

Throughout extensive research this science has arrived at the finding that under certain circumstances, most often associated with extraordinary states of consciousness and thought, a person can capture information about the surrounding world that goes beyond the scope of the familiar five senses. These capabilities are classified as extrasensory perception (ESP). On the other hand, when a person under certain exceptional circumstances can influence the events of the world around him through “force of thought,” we refer to it as psychokinesis (PK). What is essential is that parapsychological phenomena are characterized by independence of typical energy forces.

Extrasensory perception (ESP) is a truly broad term. What do you need to know? ESP is differentiated by a focus either on the present, future, or past. ESP focused on the present includes clairvoyance (perception of objective events in the surrounding world) and telepathy (direct perception of the subjective experiences of another person). And yet with ESP we also have the possibility to capture information “from another time,” which is therefore referred to as retrocognition (clairvoyance or telepathy directly capturing information about past events) or precognition (capturing information about future events).

Extrasensory perception and psychokinesis are truly broad topics and we will address them in greater detail in subsequent articles. For now, let us look at how the study of a person with a gift for ESP takes place.

The study of these gifted people can be accomplished using a variety of methods. Let’s examine one of them in greater detail, namely “traveling clairvoyance.” An experiment was conducted with a young girl who allowed herself to be hypnotized. She was then instructed to imagine that she had left her body, was climbing up the stairs, passing through the door, and answering questions. The hypnotist guided her to various tasks, for example, that she should pass through the doors she was presently seeing. The girl described what she was seeing and asked questions posed by the hypnotist. Afterward she found herself in the kitchen of her own parents’ house, observing everything they were doing. The television running, her father reading the newspaper and the exact article he was reading, her mother as she cooked dinner. She observed everything as if she were there with them. Several hours later, the girl received a telephone call from her parents, who were afraid that something terrible had happened to her, as they had discovered her figure in the kitchen.

If we return to Psychokinesis (PK), what does it entail? In PK we can include both telekinesis and psychokinesis (mechanical movement of objects from a distance), levitation (anti-gravity effects), materialization (changes in state of matter), and transformation of energy (temperature phenomena, invoking physical unexplained sounds, creation of electromagnetic field(s), influencing the course of chemical reactions or biological processes).

Extrasensory perception (ESP) is defined as a process through which we obtain information about the world around us, and this information is carried further through a signal of unknown character. With psychokinesis (PK) it is somewhat different. PK represents the opposite function, in which energy signals can influence the surrounding environment. What is interesting is that both of these functions appear in the process of telepathy. Telepathy is differentiated into gamma telepathy and kappa telepathy. Gamma telepathy is one of the forms of the ESP, whereas kappa telepathy is considered a paraphysical phenomenon, such as levitation. Psychokinesis includes a truly broad spectrum of various energy phenomena. To get a better idea, let’s consider an example.

In around 1967 unusual phenomena were observed at a certain law firm in Germany. Neon lights placed approx. two and a half meters high on the ceiling inexplicably turned themselves off and blinked, the automatic breakers tripped, bulbs exploded, drawers opened and closed. Telephone calls were observed that no one had made. Experts were called to the scene, but no one was able to determine anything or explain the activity. Only later on was it shown that these phenomena were associated with a local law office worker who had been unwittingly causing all of the incidents psychically. In the given case, therefore, it consisted of the deep psychic conflicts that this living person was suffering. Several similar cases have occurred, but most of them consisted of a boy or girl of around 15, who did not have these capabilities under control, and who were often more terrified than the others observing them.

What do you think this girl’s capabilities were?

Other areas of research tell of “physical” mediums. Such mediums or media refer to data carriers such as CDs, but people who are sensitive and perceptive beyond measure are identified in the field of parapsychology as a person who is a so-called medium in communication with the dead. In the presence of such mediums people observe moving objects acting under unseen forces, whether caused by telekinesis or levitation. In exceptional cases, people can meet with a medium who uses materialization to create various shapes or even figures. Their consistency has varied widely, from foggy figures to tangible objects.

In earlier periods there have been Polaroid cameras, specifically since 1929, that have been capable of capturing other entities. Before this time, however, this was not the case, and people used thus gifted mediums who were capable without any explanation of creating so-called photography of a ghost, created on photographic film. What do you think about it?